Revelation 1:1

King James Version

1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, 

which God gave unto him, 

to shew unto his servants things 

which must shortly come to pass; 

and he sent and signified it 

by his angel unto his servant John:

What is the Book of Revelation?

Why are we to study it?

Here are the links and videos the HOLY SPIRIT led me to share with you:

Bible Gateway

King James Bible Online

(The Lord's words are highlighted in red.)

Chuck Missler Revelation Session 01 Introduction

(Keep the video running for as long as you like, for it's a series of 24 amazing videos from the precise Chuck Missler.)

(Image source: Nice png)


1 Chronicles 28:20 King James Version 20 And David said to Solomon his son,  Be strong and of good courage, and do it:  fear not, nor be dis...