Wednesday, January 26, 2022



Matthew 13:45-46

King James Version

45 Again, 

the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, 

seeking goodly pearls:

46 Who, 

when he had found one pearl of great price, 

went and sold all that he had, 

and bought it.

THANK GOD, I finally found the treasure I'd been looking for, all my life.

How I scoured bookshops to find the "pearl of great price".

How I've exhausted all research to find truth that satisfies my soul.

The day GOD made me born again 28 months ago, I began to see, as God wanted me to see.

I began to know His TRUTH.

The Bible became easy to understand.

Spirit and I ended up creating 37 blogs to "house" our findings.

But you can't find that treasure your heart dearly seeks, if your heart is not right with God.

The moment He sees your heart is true, He will practically deliver it to your door step, this thing you're searching for.

Well, I had been searching for God's TRUTH.

I looked everywhere, except where it was.

Right under my daily nose.

The Bible.

It kept eyeing me, as I eyed all other books.

But how could I understand God's pearl, until He gave me to His Son, so I may be instructed?

The search was agonizing.

It was lengthy.

But I had the faith, the patience, and the persistence.

I was tenacious in my research.

Long after everyone's gone from the bookshops, I was still scouring the titles.

Until I had hangnails from all that searching.

Hoping a title would jump out, and call me.

I had many false starts.

The information was always incomplete.

Oftentimes, acting too mysteriously.

Or vaguely.

Until God led me to His Bible.

Only then was my soul satisfied.

And I began to understand His WORD.

As easily as a child would.

God's words are clear, alive, and filled with His SPIRIT.

I don't need to go to theology school to understand the Bible.

The verses speak plainly to me.

Only the SPIRIT of GOD could do that.

My pearl of great price is God's WORD.

When I found it, I let go of all other books, all other things, all other habits that are not of God.

I only focused on the Bible.

Letting Scripture guide me each day.

It was my one, sacred treasure.

Matthew 13:44

King James Version

44 Again, 

the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; 

the which when a man hath found, 

he hideth, 

and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, 

and buyeth that field.

You'd probably ask:

What makes the WORD of GOD a pearl of great price?

Why the urgency to know it?

Why the importance?

It's because the WORD of GOD is ETERNAL LIFE.

Image source: Wallpaper Flare


1 Chronicles 28:20 King James Version 20 And David said to Solomon his son,  Be strong and of good courage, and do it:  fear not, nor be dis...