Saturday, May 28, 2022

BEST service to the WORLD


Isaiah 58:10

King James Version

10 And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, 

and satisfy the afflicted soul; 

then shall thy light rise in obscurity, 

and thy darkness be as the noon day:

What could be our BEST service to the world?

For my part, here's what I figured out.

My best service is in SHARING the WORD of GOD with you.

I've shared 41 blogs, hundreds of posts, and 24 books with you.

These are all Scripture-based, guided by the SPIRIT of GOD.

Through that, you know who JESUS is.

You know that He is the SON of GOD.

You know that He is the MESSIAH.

You know that He was crucified, died, was buried, and rose on the third day.

You know that we have ETERNAL LIFE, if we believe in JESUS.

You know GOD is a SPIRIT.

You know how GOD created heaven and earth.

You know the original sin from Adam and Eve.

You know all the things GOD hates.

You know how much GOD loves us.

You know that believers are saved.

You know that only the HOLY SPIRIT can teach us.

You know how important it is to be born again.

You know the ways, the will, the truth of GOD.

You know why the world is the way it is.

You know the world hates believers.

You know GOD is the ONLY TRUE POWER.

You know that JESUS showed us how to love GOD.

You know that JESUS showed us perfect love, and obedience.

You know that JESUS asked we love others, as He loved us.

You know that the only thing that will remain is the WORD of GOD.

You know that the RAPTURE is imminent.

You know that only GOD decides when to send JESUS for the faithful.

You know that after the RAPTURE, comes the TRIBULATION.

You know that we are saved by FAITH, through GRACE.

You know we cannot boast about good works.

You know that there are many antichrists and false prophets in the world now.

You know that we must be born again, born of water, and of the SPIRIT.

You know JESUS is the way, the truth, and the life.

You know that good and evil were allowed by GOD, for the angels will separate the wheat from the tares in the end.

You know that believers have ETERNAL LIFE.

You know that unbelievers receive eternal fire.

You know JESUS holds the keys to hell and death.

You know believers will be resurrected by JESUS.

You know we will all account for our thoughts, words, and deeds.

You know JESUS conquered death, and the devil, at the CROSS.

You know that VICTORY belongs to JESUS alone.

You know that GOD is merciful, and loving.

You know that ALL of us have sinned.

You know that JESUS asks we repent, and believe the GOSPEL.

You know that we are to LIVE by the BIBLE.

You know that there will be a new JERUSALEM.

You know that there will be no more suffering on that day.

You know that GOD chose ISRAEL as His holy nation.

You know that all who fight ISRAEL will be destroyed by GOD.

You know that GOD gave us the BREATH of LIFE.

You know that life is but a vapor, gone in an instant.

You know that we will all return to dust.

You know that when we die, our spirit goes back to GOD.

You know that life is more than meat, or raiment.

You know that everything of the world is vanity.

You know that ONLY JESUS matters.

I knew all that from the Bible.

Only the WORD of GOD can save us.

For it holds GOD's TRUTH.

It holds the TEACHINGS of JESUS.

It carries prophecy.

It tells us of things to come.

It tells us the end, from the beginning.

It tells us about GOD.

Are you a believer?

That JESUS is the SON of GOD?

That He was RESURRECTED on the THIRD day?

If you wish to know JESUS, or the WILL of the FATHER, please pray.

That's really all you have to do.


And watch what happens.

Related material:

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FREE writing pointers

WHAT it means to WORK for the LORD

What GIFT would you LEAVE the world?

What is GREAT service?






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Image: Unsplash

Updated 26 November 2023


1 Chronicles 28:20 King James Version 20 And David said to Solomon his son,  Be strong and of good courage, and do it:  fear not, nor be dis...