Thursday, October 14, 2021

WHAT it means to WORK for the LORD


1 Peter 4:10

King James Version

10 As every man hath received the gift, 

even so minister the same 

one to another, 

as good stewards 

of the manifold grace of God.

One thing is sure.

As born again, you will be guided by the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD in the following things:

-- What work to do.

-- How to perform your work.

-- Who you must serve.

Never again will you guess, if the work you're doing is right.

Never again will you wonder, if your work has true value.

Never again will you worry, if you will have enough.

Never again will you doubt, about the path you're taking.

All will be made clear by the SPIRIT of GOD.

He will position you to do the work you were meant to do.

Right from the start.

Never mind that it may have taken forever to be at this stage in your life.

The important thing is your heart is brought to God, as a born again.

For it is the LORD's command.

John 3:3

King James Version

3 Jesus answered and said unto him, 

Verily, verily, 

I say unto thee, 

Except a man be born again, 

he cannot see the kingdom of God.

You must be BORN of the SPIRIT, if you wish to enter the kingdom of GOD.

John 3:5-7

King James Version

5 Jesus answered, 

Verily, verily, 

I say unto thee, 

Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, 

he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; 

and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, 

Ye must be born again.

Only through SPIRIT -- the Comforter -- can we know what JESUS taught.

John 14:26

King James Version

26 But the Comforter, 

which is the Holy Ghost, 

whom the Father will send in my name

he shall teach you all things, 

and bring all things to your remembrance, 

whatsoever I have said unto you.

Only SPIRIT -- which comes from the FATHER -- can testify of JESUS.

John 15:26

King James Version

26 But when the Comforter is come, 

whom I will send unto you from the Father, 

even the Spirit of truth, 

which proceedeth from the Father

he shall testify of me:

Unless we are guided by the SPIRIT of GOD -- showing us the path paved by JESUS -- we will not be effective workers.

We can only gain true confidence in the Lord.

The world will show you many ways that are not of God.

If you are to be a true worker, you must become born again.

Everything you need to know, will be supplied you.

Everything you need to survive, will be given you.

Everything you need for wisdom, will be given you.

There is no other way to know the ways of GOD, the path of JESUS, and the teachings of the HOLY SPIRIT, except to become born again.

That signifies your intention to be of true service to God, to others, and to yourself.

Matthew 6:33

King James Version

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, 

and his righteousness; 

and all these things shall be added unto you.

You are the temple of the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17

King James Version

16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, 

and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

17 If any man defile the temple of God, 

him shall God destroy; 

for the temple of God is holy, 

which temple ye are.

You will know how to be holy, as you serve God, and others.

Why would you want to serve, from a defiled existence, and from defiled work?

GOD says we must be holy.

Leviticus 11:45

King James Version

45 For I am the Lord 

that bringeth you up 

out of the land of Egypt, 

to be your God: 

ye shall therefore be holy, 

for I am holy.

JESUS said we must be perfect.

Matthew 5:48

King James Version

48 Be ye therefore perfect, 

even as your Father 

which is in heaven 

is perfect.

The only way to be perfect, in the eyes of God, is to obey His SPIRIT.

Our whole life, and work, must revolve around the SPIRIT of GOD.

For He was tasked by GOD, to teach us all things Jesus.

He was prayed for by JESUS, to reprove and remind the world.

You cannot go wrong, when your teacher is the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD.

John 14:16-17

King James Version

16 And I will pray the Father, 

and he shall give you another Comforter, 

that he may abide with you for ever;

17 Even the Spirit of truth; 

whom the world cannot receive, 

because it seeth him not, 

neither knoweth him

but ye know him; 

for he dwelleth with you, 

and shall be in you.

Related material:

BORN AGAIN articles



Image: Tim Douglas


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