Thursday, October 7, 2021



Hebrews 11:6

King James Version

6 But without faith 

it is impossible to please him: 

for he that cometh to God 

must believe that he is, 

and that he is a rewarder of them 

that diligently seek him.

You've got to be excited, when you're looking for God.

You've got to keep going, and never give up.

You've got to keep bugging God, to please show up.

You've got to be a child, eager to see the LORD.

You've got to look at all the signs, if you want to see Him.

You've got to pay attention, to all the details of your life, if you are to find the LORD.

Only to find out, He's been there, all along.

Just that, you weren't.

But the cheerful heart doesn't mind.

It's all part of the fun, of finding God.

A bit of hide, and seek.

That He leaves clues for you to find.

That He shows up in your dreams.

That He's never really left you.

You did.

But GOD never leaves us.

If there's one steady thing in life, it's GOD.

If there's real love, it's GOD.

If there's honest truth, it's GOD.

If you seek stability, seek God.

If you seek love, seek God.

If you seek truth, seek God.

If you seek peace, seek God.

If you seek life, seek God.

If you seek happiness, seek God.

Only GOD -- JESUS -- the HOLY SPIRIT, can give us the LOVE, and TRUTH, we need.

When He made me born again, over two years ago, my life radically changed for good.

I became a better person.

Even as there's a long way to go.

I only had interest in doing right, by God.

I cannot be the way I was.

Grossly imperfect, unaware, or careless.

Now, my life is lived through SCRIPTURE.

I live by GOD's WORD now.

I live, and breathe it.

It is balm, for my soul.

It is light, for my mind.

It is home, for my heart.

It is joy, for my being.

Consider every step to God, a step up the ladder to heaven.

Yes, do look up, and look for JESUS.

Focus on Him alone.

Colossians 3:1-2

King James Version

3 If ye then be risen with Christ, 

seek those things which are above, 

where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

2 Set your affection on things above, 

not on things on the earth.

Any day now, any moment now, God can decide to send back His Son.

And believers -- the dead, and the living -- will meet Him up in the air.

And we don't have to go through the tribulation.

We have to get right with God now.

We must seek Him sincerely, not because of rewards, but because we honestly wish to know Him, love Him, listen to Him, learn from Him, believe in Him, and follow Him.

There is no other path to take in life.

But to follow the path paved by the LORD JESUS.

John 14:6

King James Version

6 Jesus saith unto him, 

I am the way, 

the truth, 

and the life: 

no man cometh unto the Father, 

but by me.

JESUS has already made it so simple for us.

Why do we look for complicated?

Even a child could get it.

Related material:

WHO shall be SAVED?



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