Monday, October 25, 2021



2 Thessalonians 3:16

King James Version

16 Now the Lord of peace himself 

give you peace always 

by all means. 

The Lord be with you all.

The last 25 months, since September 2019, were the most beautiful moments of my life.

Only because GOD made me born again.

And I believe we were visited by an angel, "sent from heaven up above", in the person of my baby sis.

As born again, the HOLY SPIRIT started instructing me about the Bible.

I began to know the laws of GOD.

I began to know the ways of SPIRIT.

I began to cherish the sacrifice of JESUS.

I began to test the validity of everything, through SCRIPTURE.

I began to appreciate everything my baby sister was.

She was a special person, who could not speak, but God made sure I understood her many nuances.

She needed my mother, and I, for every bit in her life.

What I learned, as I got deep into my studies in Scripture, being taught by Spirit each moment, is that my sister was a GIFT from GOD.

A perfect child from God.

Being the older sister, and having cared for her most of my life, I was enjoying EVERY moment with her, knowing she was a true gift, a sacred child from God.

It's been 10 days since my baby sis re-joined God, and my heart feels shattered.

I could only pray to JESUS today, missing her so much.

But our merciful GOD gave me the lightest kind of joy, the greatest kind of peace, the most illuminating lesson of all.

That, those 25 months were a piece of heaven.

Of how God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, my sister, and I, were cloistered in our room, communicating every moment, waking up any moment, and enjoying each other's company, and teachings.

I was a student of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and my sister.

They all taught me the most precious thing in the world.

To love, with no thought of gain.

There was always a delight in waking up, in caring, in feeding, in listening, in studying, in working, and never did I feel a tinge of tiredness at all.

It was the simplest existence I ever had.

Just praying, studying Scripture, taking care of family and sister, listening to the Holy Spirit, writing what needed to be written, and sharing my posts each day with you.

I was in perfect heaven.

I had become useless in social media circles, for I lived a true life, at home.

I was happy, and content.

But JESUS wanted my sister with Him now, leaving my family and I to grieve quietly, and meditate upon the gifts given.

All I know is, give me 10,000 more lifetimes, and I'd love to care for the very same sister.

She was a delight to care for.

Such spirit!

She was perfection herself.

How very blessed my family and I were, in having her for many years, the last 25 months being the most precious, and illuminating for me.

Perhaps, one day, I shall see her again.

But I thank this little child, who gave so much of herself, teaching me so many things about peace, joy, contentment, trust, patience, endurance, strength, love, grace, beauty, and truth.

May we all know a gift, when it is given.

But I assure you, realization only comes, when God makes you born again.

Then, you begin to see with eyes, from SPIRIT.

Only through the lens of the HOLY SPIRIT, can we really begin to see.

The PEACE of the LORD JESUS, be with us ALWAYS.

Thank you for being here, each day.

I thank GOD, for the peace given today.

Related material:

What do I think of, when JESUS comes to MIND?

Image: Pxhere


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