Saturday, February 19, 2022

How do you KNOW you are SPIRITUALLY mature?


Job 5:17

King James Version

17 Behold, 

happy is the man 

whom God correcteth: 

therefore despise not thou 

the chastening of the Almighty:

How can you gauge your spiritual maturity?

Really simple.

You LOVE being corrected by GOD.

You love learning from Scripture.

You enjoy being born again.

You've learned to pray, as JESUS taught you.

Aiming to do the will of the FATHER alone.

It doesn't hurt, when you're wrong.

It only hurts when you do the same mistake twice.

You thank GOD for EVERYTHING.

You're all eyes, and ears, with GOD.

You delight in His WORD.

You do not pray for what you want others to have.

You pray that God's will be done, through you.

We really don't know what's good for others.

Only GOD knows.

We do not interfere with God's plans.

(As if we could.)

We allow SPIRIT to help us.

To teach us.

To guide us.

To make things clear for us.


Only GOD matters.

You don't mind self disappearing in the background.

Self is no more.

Every day becomes an opportunity to learn/

To do better.

To get things right by the LORD.

You follow the LORD's commandments.

You live by Scripture.

The world doesn't dictate who you must be.

Only GOD tells you who and what He called you for.

The world's judgment doesn't matter.

Only the judgment of JESUS matters.

You long for eternal life with JESUS.

You aspire to be holy.

For you want to meet the LORD in the air.

When RAPTURE happens.

Which could be ANY moment GOD decides.

You want to know EVERYTHING about GOD.

You're so very thrilled to give GLORY to GOD alone.

You judge yourself, before you get judged by JESUS.

You trust Scripture 100%.

There is no ounce of doubt in your heart about the divinity of JESUS.

You believe in JESUS alone.

You believe He was crucified, died for your sins, and was resurrected on the third day.

You believe He is the SON of GOD.

Your focus is on JESUS, and not on what the world has to offer.

You pray that the HOLY SPIRIT comes upon people, that they may understand the Bible, in all its simplicity.

You believe the Bible to be the WORD of GOD.

You cannot bear to have misunderstood the Bible.

You know that your life is in the hands of GOD.

You love sharing GOD's WORD with everyone who cares to listen.

If they don't listen, you don't take it personally.

You know GOD looks after His own.

Only He knows who are His.

2 Timothy 2:19

King James Version

19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, 

having this seal, 

The Lord knoweth them that are his

And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ 

depart from iniquity.

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Image: Reshot


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