Tuesday, August 17, 2021



Acts 20:28

King James Version

28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, 

and to all the flock, 

over the which the Holy Ghost 

hath made you overseers, 

to feed the church of God, 

which he hath purchased 

with his own blood.

Prior to this blog you're reading now, the HOLY SPIRIT guided me to write SPIRIT and the 7 churches, emphasizing the FIRST 3 chapters of the Book of Revelation.

Why is that?

Because the churches of today have forgotten God.

They have become distracted.





Focusing largely on vanity, social events, political events, greed, desire for power, and worldly matters.

Even bickering about doctrine, and the inerrant WORD of GOD, when Scripture was clear.

God's doctrine had become unsound in the hands of what are supposed to be His elect.

It's now time to set things right, in honor of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

The Book of Revelation gave the LORD's command to the churches.

Why the GREAT urgency to get things right about the commands of the Lord?

Let JESUS tell you why:

Mark 1:15

King James Version

15 And saying, 

The time is fulfilled, 

and the kingdom of God is at hand: 

repent ye, 

and believe the gospel.

Each church has gone its own worldly way.

Have a look at the state of the church.

But what is the church?

Who is the head of the church?

What makes up the church?

All these questions will be answered from a link I will share below.

What's interesting is that, through the GUIDANCE of the HOLY SPIRIT, I was led to what JESUS wanted done with His churches -- just through those first 3 chapters.

After four days of non-stop writing on 3 June 2021, finishing with 7 things JESUS asks of us, the writing stopped.

The next step was to write about the body, that is the church.

But I didn't know how to begin.

When you serve Spirit, you WAIT.

Spirit let me delve deeply into Scripture for over two months. prompting me to write many articles.

Eventually, He led me to the missing piece of that 30th blog.


Yes, that was the one that took me a while to write.

All in the LORD's perfect time.

Click this link to read the 22 articles on what the HOLY SPIRIT said to the 7 churches.

Revelation 2:29

King James Version

29 He that hath an ear, 

let him hear what the Spirit saith 

unto the churches.

(Image source: Udownload)

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