Saturday, August 28, 2021

HOW to SLEEP WELL at night


Proverbs 3:5-6

King James Version

5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; 

and lean not unto thine own understanding.

6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, 

and he shall direct thy paths.

Be like a child, unto GOD.

Only then can you sleep well at night.

Put to bed by God, assured there are no ghosts, or monsters, lurking around, the child in you goes to sleep peacefully.

Hoping others -- in every part of the world -- have a safe haven, too.

Hoping others have a roof over their head, had been fed, have a warm, cozy bed to lie on, have a family to be with, have a safe country, and are left to sleep in peace.

With no threat of hurt, or harm.

Upon the spirit, or the body.

Such is my wish for the world.

Basic stuff.

But essential stuff.

Our peace lies in JESUS.

Assured of the Lord's love, salvation, eternal life, and the Rapture, we children of God -- the born again -- have the promise of restful sleep.

We let SPIRIT take charge, guiding us EVERY moment.

We are not interested in following the world's ways.

Jesus has already shown the BEST way.

We follow His commandments.

Just like little children, we try to keep a pure mind, heart, body, and spirit.

We think only of Jesus, and we're fine.

We are content with what we have.

We don't compete with anyone.

We are not interested in schemes, or worldly dreams.

We already have the LORD.

He suffices.

We have His WORD.

That feeds our soul.

He gave us work to do.

We do our best.

We let Spirit guide us.

Our ways will always be contrary to the world.

But that's okay.

We're not here to be understood.

We're here to share about CHRIST.

Of how much He loves all of us.

Of how much God loves us -- enough to give us His Son as trespass offering.

We're here to talk about the urgency of the times.

Of how God may decide to have His faithful meet Jesus up in the air, any moment He sees fit.

In the fullness of HIS time.

In the meantime, we keep at our GOD CRAFT each day.

We do our best, guided by Scripture, so we may live according to God's commandments.

Now that we know, we refuse to sin any longer.

Jesus may come any time.

We want to be ready for that day.

For it could be any moment.

And this is all we could think about:

Psalm 119:97

King James Version

97 O how love I thy law! 

it is my meditation all the day.

That's why we sleep good nights.

We hope you do, too!

Be a child unto God.

Matthew 18:3

King James Version

3 And said, 

Verily I say unto you, 

Except ye be converted, 

and become as little children, 

ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Drop all previous knowledge.

Let SPIRIT teach you instead.

He will teach you about JESUS.

Then, you'll begin to understand.

And you can sleep better, too.

Knowing all is well in God's world.

He looks after His faithful.

All the time.

Psalm 121:8

King James Version

8 The Lord shall preserve 

thy going out 

and thy coming in 

from this time forth, 

and even for evermore.

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