Psalm 119:97
King James Version
97 O how love I thy law!
it is my meditation all the day.
I have been writing for JESUS, nearly 24 months now.
That's two years of writing NON-STOP.
And that's two years of you reading my work from SPIRIT.
So, I THANK you, from my heart!
Thank you for your love.
For your patience.
For your desire to know.
I do not know who you are.
Where you live.
SPIRIT takes care of the prompts.
And the delivery.
I do not track you.
I do not chart you.
I am merely to write each day.
Whatever the LORD JESUS wants done, said, delivered.
For I am glued, permanently, to His heartbeat.
I'm a barnacle the LORD won't be able to get rid of.
I'm not a spy.
I'm a believer.
You see, that's the spirit I have with JESUS.
We are serious, and yet playful.
He knows my heart, to the CORE.
But there's always LOVE, and RESPECT, for the LORD.
And yes, those tiny ears of mine, are glued permanently to THAT heart.
And my hand, in His.
The SPIRIT of GOD keeps me going.
As such, I never run out of material.
I may need several lifetimes to tell you about the never-ending TREASURES of God's WORD.
As I uncover one, another gets uncovered, another hovers by.
Everywhere in my room is riddled with notes, lest I miss a PRECIOUS thing from GOD.
I did joke that if an autopsy were to be conducted on me one day, my veins, my blood, my bone, all the vital organs -- every fiber of my being -- would have GOD's WORD imprinted on it.
And PERMANENTLY engraved upon my heart.
Jeremiah 31:33
King James Version
33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make
with the house of Israel;
After those days,
saith the Lord,
I will put my law in their inward parts,
and write it in their hearts;
and will be their God,
and they shall be my people.
The human me wouldn't exist.
I'll only be filled with HIS SPIRIT.
His WORD is my OXYGEN.
By His GRACE, I am able to do what I do.
The daily writing, and all.
When SPIRIT wants something written, He gives prompts, ideas, verses, even dreams.
I never act, unless, and until, I'm "activated" by Spirit.
Mostly, I PRAY to JESUS, and ask:
"What is YOUR will?"
"What would YOU have me do?"
"What do YOU want done?"
"What do YOU want said?"
"What do YOU want me to tell people?"
So, I take it a day at a time, waiting for SPIRIT to tell me what JESUS wants written.
And, most days, EVERYTHING wants to be written, ha ha.
It is a JOY to SERVE the LORD.
It is voluntary work, which I enjoy immensely.
I do not ask for anything, EXCEPT that I DELIVER God's Word ACCURATELY.
I will be broken-hearted if I fail, misinterpret, or mislead.
I cannot bear that.
So, for nearly two years, I've been faithfully following SPIRIT's prompt to:
SHARE Scripture.
TELL you of GOD's magnificence.
URGE you to seek GOD.
URGE you to love GOD.
URGE you to thank GOD.
URGE you to become BORN AGAIN.
REMIND you of the BLOOD of the LAMB.
URGE you to believe in JESUS.
URGE you to believe His GOSPEL.
URGE you to focus on JESUS.
URGE you to look into your sin.
URGE you to look to the RAPTURE.
URGE you to be vigilant.
URGE you to care for each other.
URGE you to PRAY, to know God's will.
URGE you to obey GOD's WILL.
URGE you to listen to the HOLY SPIRIT.
URGE you to become HOLY.
I am not here to convert you.
God does that.
I'm only here to write about GOD's TRUTH, the ASTOUNDING TEACHINGS of the HOLY SPIRIT, the POWER of SCRIPTURE, the PERFECTION of JESUS, the imminence of the RAPTURE, and the WAY that JESUS showed us, so we may have ETERNAL LIFE with JESUS.
I am not here, to cement a relationship with you.
When GOD's WORD is firmly imprinted upon your heart, this will happen to all, with GOD becoming an INTEGRAL part of your BEING:
Jeremiah 31:34
King James Version
34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour,
and every man his brother,
Know the Lord:
for they shall all know me,
from the least of them unto the greatest of them,
saith the Lord:
for I will forgive their iniquity,
and I will remember their sin no more.
Why the URGENCY to tell you all these things?
Ezekiel 18:30-32
King James Version
30 Therefore I will judge you,
O house of Israel,
every one according to his ways,
saith the Lord God.
and turn yourselves from all your transgressions;
so iniquity shall not be your ruin.
31 Cast away from you all your transgressions,
whereby ye have transgressed;
and make you a new heart and a new spirit:
for why will ye die,
O house of Israel?
32 For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth,
saith the Lord God:
wherefore turn yourselves,
and live ye.
Lastly, I URGE you to RELY upon:
GOD for grace,
JESUS for healing, and
SPIRIT for teaching.
Related material:
22 Books on Spiritual Warfare (fiction)
Two more books on Jesus (non-fiction)
How the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD Taught Me
(Image source: Clipart Max)