Tuesday, July 20, 2021


 Psalm 25:5

King James Version

5 Lead me in thy truth, 

and teach me: 

for thou art the God of my salvation; 

on thee do I wait all the day.

Two months into my Scripture self-study, as a baby born again, the Holy Spirit led me to something significant RIGHT AWAY.

In GOD's MERCY, it was to pave the way for ALL my studies thereafter.

And this is what I learned, in the VERY WORDS of JESUS, our LORD:

Mark 10:18

King James Version

18 And Jesus said unto him, 

Why callest thou me good?

 there is none good but one, 

that is, 


That set the course straight for all what was to come -- 31 blogs after.

By the GRACE of GOD, I got things in the right perspective.

From the PERSPECTIVE of the LORD.

And I thank God, He led me to it, right away.

Ego must GO.

GOD is the only ONE who is GOOD.

Where others may be offended, I got excited.

What a MAGNIFICENT TRUTH the Holy Spirit led me to!

Ties up with what apostle Paul said:

Romans 3:23

King James Version

23 For all have sinned, 

and come short of the glory of God;

Including this other verse.

Ephesians 2:8-9

King James Version

8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; 

and that not of yourselves: 

it is the gift of God:

9 Not of works, 

lest any man should boast.

That's why ego must go.

If not, you'll take it personally.

Merely revealing who you follow.

A true born again doesn't have ego.

His heart's objective, is TOTAL OBEDIENCE to the LORD.

By making sure he understands God's commandments, through JESUS.

And being taught by the Holy Spirit, at every moment.

His heart contains GOD alone.

He has accepted JESUS' invitation, and has made a HOME for GOD.

Where God is, ego must leave -- COMPLETELY.

There will be a lot of humbling going on.

Only by becoming born again, can we understand the SPIRIT of GOD.

We are to accept our own sinfulness.

We are to repent, and start knowing everything about God.

We are to walk with SPIRIT.

When you begin to know your errors, you don't cringe.

You cry.

Only God is good.

Can you deal with that?

Can you accept that?

Why shouldn't we?

Scripture says so.

JESUS said so.

The Holy Spirit led me to it.

Case closed.

Related material:

The Magnificence and Majesty of GOD blog

BORN AGAIN articles


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